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University Marketing and Communications

The work behind our brand

In order to continue to elevate Fresno State’s brand regionally, nationally and globally, the university partnered with SimpsonScarborough, a higher education marketing firm, to conduct a comprehensive brand research study beginning in spring 2023. Through this data-driven process, Fresno State is now poised to strengthen its identity and enhance its reputation through refined content creation and optimization.

The research

Our research process spanned both qualitative and quantitative work, reaching a diverse range of audiences including, prospective undergraduate students, current students, alumni, philanthropic partners, and athletic fans. 

Strategic drivers

After synthesizing the data, SimpsonScarborough uncovered five major strategic drivers - opportunities that combine some of Fresno State’s biggest strengths with potential for a competitive edge.

  • 1 in 2 high school students rated Fresno State as their first-choice.
  • 70% or more of current students, employees, alumni, partners and fans said they were either moderately proud or very proud of being part of the Fresno State community.
  • 70% of current students, employees, alumni, partners and fans rated their academic experience as fair, good or excellent, however, all audiences do not find excellent academic reputation to be one of Fresno State’s top strengths.

  • High school students interested in attending Fresno State  rated affordability as the most important consideration in their college search.
  • Among employees, alumni, partners and fans Fresno State leads in perceptions of providing value. 

  • Prospects' desires of a beautiful campus that provides a sense of belonging and diversity aligns with students’ description of the Fresno State campus.

“The spirit of the university is unlike any other. The entire city loves Fresno State.” - community member

  • Among current students, employees, alumni, partners and fans, there is a mutual interest in seeing messaging that further emphasizes Fresno State's relationship with the Central Valley. 

“There would be no Valley without Fresno State.” - community member

  • Athletic fans showed the most engagement and highest level of pride in Fresno State. 

“Athletics build community.” - community member

Survey at-a-glance

239 high school juniors and seniors
621 currently enrolled students
342 faculty and staff
210 alumni
218 philanthropic partners
906 athletic fans

The brand study process

Brand study advisory group

While University Marketing and Communications has led this two-year effort, the team has worked closely with the brand study advisory group throughout the process to ensure inclusive participation and feedback.

Caroline Alvarez - Student representative, Associated Students Inc.
Andy Bennett - Director of Special Projects, Save Mart Center
Alcidia Gomes - Senior Director of Development, Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology
Michael Lukens - Executive Director of Government Relations 
Scott Moore - Dean, Division of Continuing and Global Education 
Frank Pucher - Senior Associate Athletics Director for External Relations
Tim Ritchey - Fresno State Alumni Association Board Member
Kent Willis - Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Wes Wise - Assistant Professor, Media, Communications and Journalism
Phong Yang -  Associate Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management